It is the responsibility of each registrant to accurately record an ongoing record of participation in professional development activities in order to assure the public of their expertise in their declared areas of practice. Registrants can and should choose professional development activities that maintain, improve and expand their skills and knowledge, and are relevant to their area of practice or support the development of a new area of expertise.

The PD Reports section under the registrant profile section of the website allows registrants to report PD activities on an ongoing basis. In addition to reporting Professional Development activities under PD Reports, registrants are encouraged to maintain a personal detailed record of all professional development activities, including the dates, locations, subject material and a rationale on what was learned and how that relates to the registrant’s area of practice.

Registrants: View the video tutorial on Reporting your Professional Development  (must sign in to view)

When Reporting PD, registrants should be sure to document:

  • topic or title or article
  • type of activity (ie. webinar, tour, seminar)
  • date of activity
  • length of activity
  • area of practice / relevancy to profession
  • short description of activity

The information entered under PD Reports in the Registrants Profile will form the basis for the BCIA PD Audit program. During the PD Audit, the Audit Review committee may request additional information or proof to substantiate the declared PDH.

Prior to payment of registrant fees, practicing and on leave registrants are required to:

  • record the reporting year’s PDH (professional development hours) online and
  • declare their current areas of practice for the reporting year

On Leave Registrants

Registrants who are temporarily on leave for education, parental, medical or other reasons are required to report no less than 50% (15 PDH) of the annual professional development minimum requirement for each year of leave. On leave registrants returning to regulated status should ensure that the 3-year professional development requirement is met within the following reporting year.

Retired Registrants

Registrants with PAg (Retired) status are not required to maintain PD records or report their PD activity. PAg(Retired) registrants remain bound by the provisions of the BCIA Agrologists Act and Bylaws.

PAg (Retired) registrants choosing to return to regulated status will be required to demonstrate on-going Professional Development

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