Welcome to the 2023 BC Institute of Agrologists Provincial Conference & AGM, which runs from Thursday, April 20, to Saturday, April 22, 2022.
Download a copy of the 2023 BCIA Provincial Conference, Events & AGM Schedule
BCIA now represents over 1,885 professionals working in agrology in British Columbia and has eight Branches throughout the province as we begin our 76th year as a self-regulating provincial organization operating under the Provincial Governance Act, a British Columbia statute to govern the professional conduct of its members in support of the public interest.
BCIA's Kamloops Branch includes 163 members who work in the agriculture, business, natural resources, range, forest, and water management sectors. It has been selected to host the 2023 BCIA Provincial Annual General Meeting (AGM) and conference, themed "Coming Together: Cultivating Relationships and Resiliency in Agrology."
BCIA is honoured to receive keynote speaker Chief Dr. Robert Joseph, OC, OBC of Reconciliation Canada, for his presentation, discussion, and question and answer session.
Join us for networking opportunities, an exciting atmosphere, and much more! BCIA's AGM, various professional development activities, presentations, field tours, and of course, many networking opportunities will be held in 3 locations; the Sandman Signature Kamloops Hotel, the Sandman Centre, and the Paramount Theatre.
- 2023 BCIA Provincial Conference Ticket, $299 From the opening date of registration to March 1, No GST
- 2023 BCIA Provincial Conference Ticket, $349 After March 1, No GST
- 2023 BCIA Provincial Conference Ticket, Student Rate $150, No GST
- Pre-Conference Workshop - BCIA Ethics for Professionals Workshop, Cost: $200, Includes lunch
- Pre-Conference Workshop - Indigenous Peoples Cultural Awareness Training, Cost $200, Includes lunch
- BCIA AGM Registration, No charge to attend or view the live stream connection
- Field Tour #1, Registration for the City of Kamloops Field Tour, Cost $50, Includes bus transportation, light snacks, and water
- Field Tour #2, Registration for the Grasslands Restoration Tour of Lac du Bois, $50, Includes bus transportation, light snacks, and water
- Field Tour #3, Registration for the New Afton Mine Tour, $50, Includes bus transportation, light snacks, and water
Additional continuing professional development sessions will be added to the conference schedule soon. Tickets are limited due to our shared capacity, so don't hesitate to register now!