As many of you know, our 2023 Annual General Meeting was held in Kamloops on April 22, 2023, as part of our annual Provincial conference. Unfortunately, we were unable to complete the AGM as we had not yet received our audited annual financial statements. The Registrants did approve the accounting firm of BDO as our auditors for 2023, as we understood that Padgett Business Services was to complete the 2022 audit. Padgett has since completed our financial statements but has recently advised BCIA that they do not have the capacity to complete the audit itself.
The Board has reviewed options, including a Certified Financial Review or continuing the audit with another firm. In the best interests of the Registrants and the public, the Board voted in favor of having another firm complete the 2022 audit with the implication of potentially missing the June 30 deadline.
Consequently, we have engaged BDO to complete our 2022 audit. Given this change, we will not receive our audited statements before June 30th, 2023, as required by our Bylaws. We have advised the office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance (OSPG) of this probability and are committed to working with OSPG on this matter.
We remain committed to providing the audited financial statements as soon as we receive them, thus allowing the 2023 AGM to be completed. As always, the BCIA staff and Board members are always available to answer any questions you may have.
Yours Truly,
Jessica Morgan, PAg, BCIA Board Chair