BCIA has eight (8) regional branches in the province. Registrants are assigned to the branch in their local geographical region and may attend all professional development events offered and their respective Branch AGM, or if outside of British Columbia, are assigned to Registrant at Large. Registrants may participate in professional development events or AGMs hosted by any branch of BCIA.
View a map of BC with BCIA Branch Regions
View Branch Events (use the search by Branch tool)
View Branch Executive Listings
Branches include:
- Cariboo Central Interior-District 1
- Peace River-District 1
- Kootenay Boundary-District 1
- Fraser Valley-District 2
- Kamloops-District 2
- Okanagan-District 2
- Vancouver-District 3
- Victoria and Islands-District 3
Registrants who may be out of province, or choose not to be connected with a specific branch and location may choose to be Registrant at Large-District 1.
Under the Professional Governance Act (PGA) and the BCIA Bylaws, the Board structure includes seven (7) Registrant Board Members and up to four (4) Lay Board Members plus the immediate Past Chair (a non-voting position). The Board is comprised of registrants from three (3) districts, each based on the number of registrants in each Branch.
- District 1 (2 Board Members) - Peace River (PR), Cariboo Central Interior (CCI), Kootenay Boundary (KB) Branches and Registrants at Large (outside of BC)
- District 2 (2 Board Members) - Kamloops, Okanagan, and Fraser Valley (FV) Branches
- District 3 (3 Board Members) - Vancouver and Victoria & Islands Branches
To comply with the Professional Governance Act, the Board directed election of Board Member(s) to be done by each district via online voting.
The Branch Executive is elected at the Branch AGM. All positions on the Branch Executive are volunteer. Before, or during the AGM, registrants nominate candidates for open positions. If there is only one candidate nominated for a position, they are confirmed without a vote. If there is more than one candidate, each candidate is asked to state why they would like to serve on the Branch Executive. A vote of registrants present is then taken.
The Branch Executive:
- coordinates Branch Executive meetings and the Branch AGM;
- organizes professional development activities regularly during the year;
- manages the Branch financial allocations;
- communicates registrant concerns to BCIA.
The Branch Executive performs the necessary duties for good governance of the Branch.
Branch meetings and AGMs follow Robert's Rules of Order. (Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised in Brief; 2004; Henry M. Robert III, William J. Evans, Daniel H. Honemann, Thomas H. Balch or the latest edition thereof)
Additional information and insights on Robert's Rules of Order are also available at Eli Mina Consulting
Join your Branch Executive to:
- Learn about the functions of BCIA at the Branch and provincial levels
- Assist in the development of professional development activities in your region
- Meet new people and expand your professional network
Go to the Registrant Resources (sign in to the BCIA website) to learn more about the Responsibilities of the BCIA Branch Executive Positions.
Branches typically hold their AGMs in the following months:
CCI - October | Okanagan - February |
Fraser Valley - January | Peace River - November |
Kamloops - November | Vancouver - February |
Kootenay Boundary - October | Victoria & Islands - October |