There are four types of committees and working groups operating under the BCIA Bylaws:

  1. Statutory Committees are appointed by the BCIA Board in compliance with the Professional Governance Act ("PGA"), which operates on an ongoing basis;
  2. BCIA Board Committees are appointed by the BCIA Board to develop policy recommendations or research policy issues on behalf of the BCIA Board;
  3. BCIA Board Working Groups or Task Forces assist BCIA by developing policy alternatives and recommendations for the BCIA Board's consideration;
  4. Chief Executive Officer ("CEO") Working Groups are working groups appointed by the CEO.

Committee Terms of Reference as PDFs are available under Public Resources.

Audit and Practice Review Committee

Statutory Committee

Committee Members

Nicole Pressey, PAg, Chair

Ashley Davidson, AAg; Matthew Davidson, PAg; Philip Garvey, PAg; Geoff Hughes-Games, PAg; Geoffrey Mercer, AAg; Eveline Wolterson, PAg

Lay Committee Members: Barb Carle-Thiesson; Alex Kearney

Audit and Practice Review Committee - Terms of Reference
  1. Committee Establishment

The British Columbia Institute of Agrologists’ (BCIA) Audit and Practice Review Committee (“Committee”) is established in accordance with Section 63 of the Professional Governance Act (SBC 2018) (“PGA”) and the BCIA Bylaws (“Bylaws”) as amended from time to time.

  1. Mandate
  • Ensure the BCIA Registrants have the competence and expertise to serve the profession and protect the public in accordance with the PGA and the Bylaws; and
  • Act in accordance with policy governance principles, with all operational decisions to be made by management of the BCIA.
  1. Functions and Responsibilities

In compliance with Section 32(2) of the PGA, the BCIA Board (“Board”) authorizes this Committee to:

  • Develop annual reporting protocols;
  • Develop peer review and practice review audit procedures;
  • Foster continuing education and professional development in conjunction with the BCIA Branches;
  • Develop standards of competence and expertise for recognized areas of practice; and
  • Delegate to an officer of the BCIA, pursuant to Section 32(5)(b) of the PGA, the power, authority, or jurisdiction respecting any or all of the four above noted functions.
  1. Terms of Reference Amendments
  • The Chair of the Committee or the BCIA Governance Committee may submit recommendations for amendments to the Board for consideration; and
  • The Boardmay make amendments to the Terms of Reference in consultation with the Committee.
  1. Membership
  • The Committee shall not exceed 12 members consisting of up to three lay members and up to nine BCIA Registrants in good standing;
  • The Board shall appoint the Chair and Members of this Committee;
  • Upon the future enactment of Section 32(7)(c) of the PGA, all candidates for the Chair of this committee must be vetted by the BCIA Nomination Committee, with specific attention to the merit-based selection principles found in Section 25(1) of the PGA; and
  • BCIA Board members are prohibited from being a member of this Committee.
  1. Reporting and Communications
  • The Committee shall record minutes of its meetings and submit draft minutes to the Board within 14 days of each meeting, with the final minutes to be provided to the Board after acceptance at the next meeting of the Committee;
  • An annual written report outlining the activities of the Committee shall be provided to the Chief Executive Officer of the BCIA (“CEO”) by the Chair at least 31 days prior to the scheduled date for the BCIA AGM;
  • Provide updates after each meeting to the BCIA Communications Working Group on activities and issues;
  • The Chair shall communicate Committee business to the Board; and
  • The BCIA office is responsible for storing records and information related to and from this Committee.
  1. Terms of Office
  • The terms of office for all Committee members shall be two years from the date of their respective appointment by the Board. Whenever possible, appointments of Committee members shall be staggered to ensure overlap of newly appointed and returning members; and
  • Committee members may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms for a total of six years unless the Board grants an extension of a member’s tenure.
  1. Quorum
  • A simple majority, which must include at least one lay member, shall constitute a quorum of the Committee.
  1. Decision Process
  • The Committee shall strive to conduct its general business by consensus. For any matters that require a specific decision such as recommendations to the Board for legislative, Bylaw, professional standards, or members professional development obligation amendments, the Chair shall call and record a vote of the Committee members; and
  • The Chair shall not vote except in the event of a tie vote of the Committee members.
  1. Meetings
  • Meetings will be held at the call of the Chair a minimum of twice per calendar year, either in person or by electronic means. The Chair shall consider the travel and weather challenges faced by Committee members when choosing dates for Committee meetings.
  1. Annual Work Plan and Budget
  • An annual work plan including tasks, recommended amendments or changes, resources required, timelines and requested budget will be determined by the Committee and submitted by the Chair prior to December of each year to the Board for consideration;
  • The BCIA CEO must approve any amendments to an approved budget greater than one thousand dollars prior to expenditure; and
  • Required legal services outside of services available from the BCIA’s in-house legal counsel must be specified in the annual work plan for specific work activities or approved by the CEO/Registrar or President of the BCIA prior to initiating outside legal advice requests.
  1. Staff Contact and Roles
  • The Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the BCIA shall participate in meetings of the Committee; and
  • At the request of the Chair to the CEO, the BCIA staff may be approved to support the Committee as required.
  1. Succession Planning
  • Within the Annual Work Plan outlined above the Chair shall advise the BCIA Nomination Committee and the CEO, of each Committee member(s) term expiration date.

Credentials Committee

Statutory Committee

Committee Members

Martin Sills, PAg(Ret), Chair

Vafa Alizadeh, PAg; Kristen Cockburn, PAg; Harmanjit Dhadli, PAg; Philip Garvey, PAg; Rebecca Gayowski, PAg; Geneve Jasper, PAg; Ruth McDougall, PAg; Charlotte Norris, PAg; Rafiullah Sahibzada, PAg; Kyrie Zhang, PAg

Lay Committee Members: Wilson Chim ; Evelina Odrzygozdz; Kiarash Izadifar

Credentials Committee Terms of Reference
  1. Committee Establishment

The British Columbia Institute of Agrologists’ (BCIA) Credentials Committee (“Committee”) is established in accordance with Section 44 of the Professional Governance Act (SBC 2018) Chapter 47 [the “PGA”] and the BCIA Bylaws (“Bylaws”) as amended from time to time.

  1. Mandate
  • Ensure new Registrants admitted to the BCIA meet the then-current qualification requirements;
  • Oversee the Articling Program; and
  • Act in accordance with policy governance principles, with all operational decisions to be made by management of the BCIA.
  1. Functions and Responsibilities

In compliance with Section 32(2) of the PGA, the BCIA Board (“Board”) authorizes this Committee to:

  • Maintain awareness of trends in educational programs and areas of expertise in which Registrants of BCIA may practice;
  • Review applications within a reasonable period using the then-current qualification requirements to determine if applicants should be accepted as a Registrant of the BCIA and placed into the Articling Program;
  • Provide rationale or recommendations to applicants who do not meet qualification requirements; and
  • Remain flexible regarding current areas of expertise and, when necessary, recommend to the BCIA Board (“Board”) amendments to the Articling Program.
  1. Terms of Reference Amendments
  • The Chair of the Committee or the BCIA Governance Committee may submit recommendations for amendments to the Board for consideration; and
  • The Board may make amendments to the Terms of Reference in consultation with the Committee.
  1. Membership
  • The Committee shall not exceed 20 members consisting of up to five lay members plus up to 15 BCIA Registrants in good standing;
  • The Board shall appoint the Chair and members of this Committee;
  • Upon enactment of Section 32(7)(c) of the PGA, all Candidates for the Chair of this committee must be vetted by the BCIA Nomination Committee, with specific attention to the merit-based selection principles found in Section 25(1) of the PGA; and
  • BCIA Board Members are prohibited from being a member of this committee.
  1. Reporting and Communications
  • The Committee shall record minutes of its meetings and submit draft minutes to the BCIA Board within 14 days of each meeting, with the final minutes to be provided to the BCIA Board after acceptance at the next meeting of the Committee;
  • An annual written report outlining the activities of the Committee shall be provided to the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) of the BCIA by the Chair at least 31 days prior to the scheduled date for the BCIA AGM;
  • Upon request, updates shall be provided to the BCIA Communications Working Group for updating Registrants on activities and issues;
  • The Chair shall communicate Committee business to the Board; and
  • The BCIA office is responsible for the storing of records and information related to and from this Committee.
  1. Terms of Office
  • The terms of office for all Committee members shall be two years from the date of their respective appointment by the Board. Whenever possible, appointments of committee members shall be staggered to ensure overlap of newly appointed and returning members; and
  • Committee members may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms for a total of six years unless the Board grants an extension of a member’s tenure.
  1. Quorum
  • A simple majority, which must include at least one lay member, shall constitute a quorum of the Committee.
  1. Decision Process
  • With respect to the review of an application that the Registrar has not already approved in accordance with the BCIA Bylaws, the Chair and two Registrant members of the Committee shall be constituted as a review Panel for that application;
  • A Panel shall, after reviewing the respective application, provide its recommendations to the Committee as a whole, the approval or rejection of which requires a formal motion of the Committee;
  • The Committee shall strive to conduct its general business by consensus. For any matters that require a specific decision such as recommendations to the Board for legislative, Bylaw, or eligibility requirement amendments, the Chair shall call and record a vote of the Committee members; and
  • The Chair shall not vote except in the event of a tie vote of the Committee members.
  1. Meetings
  • The Committee will hold meetings at the call of the Chair a minimum of twice per calendar year, either in person or by electronic means. The Chair shall consider the travel and weather challenges faced by Committee members when choosing dates for Committee meetings.
  1. Annual Work Plan and Budget
  • An annual work plan including tasks, recommended amendments or changes, resources required, timelines and requested budget will be determined by the Committee and submitted by the Chair prior to December of each year to the Board for consideration;
  • The BCIA CEO must approve any amendments to an approved budget greater than one thousand dollars prior to expenditure; and
  • Required legal services outside of services available from the BCIA’s in-house legal counsel must be specified in the annual work plan for specific work activities or approved by the CEO or President of the BCIA prior to initiating outside legal advice requests.
  1. Staff Contact and Roles
  • The Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the BCIA shall participate in meetings of the Committee; and
  • At the request of the Chair to the CEO, BCIA staff may be approved to support the Committee as required.
  1. Succession Planning
  • Within the Annual Work Plan outlined above the Chair shall advise the BCIA Nomination Committee and the CEO, of each Committee member(s) term expiration date.

Discipline Committee

Statutory Committee (currently dormant)

Vacant, Chair

Lay Committee Member: Vacant

Discipline Committee Terms of Reference
  1. Committee Establishment

The British Columbia Institute of Agrologists’ (BCIA) Discipline Committee (“Committee”) is established in accordance with Section 75 of the Professional Governance Act (SBC 2018) (“PGA”) and the BCIA Bylaws (“Bylaws”) as amended from time to time.

  1. Mandate
  • To conduct discipline hearings of Registrants of the BCIA after issuance of a Citation by BCIA’s Investigation Committee; and
  • Except as authorized by the PGA or the Bylaws, function in accordance with policy governance principles with all operational decisions to be made in consultation with the Registrar.
  1. Functions and Responsibilities
  • Conduct hearings of citations issued by the BCIA Investigation Committee in accordance with the PGA, the Bylaws and administrative law principles;
  • Objectively review all documentation, information, reports or other evidence presented at a discipline hearing and thereafter determine the disposition of the complaint(s) outlined in respective Citation(s);
  • Assess a penalty or other remedial action, if any is required, as against a Respondent in accordance with the PGA and the Bylaws; and
  • Recommend to the Governance Committee and the BCIA Board (“Board”) amendments to the Bylaws.
  1. Terms of Reference Amendments
  • The Chair of the Committee or the BCIA Governance Committee may submit recommendations for amendments to the Board for consideration; and
  • The Board may make amendments to the Terms of Reference in consultation with the Committee.
  1. Membership
  • The Committee shall consist of, but not be limited to, a minimum of three BCIA Registrants in good standing plus at least one lay member, with an optimal number of Committee members being nine BCIA Registrants in good standing plus three lay members. The Committee may require additional ad hoc members to address issues or perceptions of bias or conflict of interest or to seek expertise. Consequently, the Committee Chair may ask the Board to appoint additional members with specific qualifications;
  • All Registrant Committee members must have a minimum of 5 years of experience as a PAg or TAg working in British Columbia;
  • Individual Committee members must excuse themselves from any disciplinary proceedings when there is a possibility that the respective committee member may be in a real or perceived conflict of interest or the member possesses information, bias, or beliefs that may inhibit the members’ ability to act objectively;
  • The Board, in consultation with the BCIA Nomination Committee and the existing Chair of the Committee, shall appoint the Chair and Members of this Committee;
  • Upon enactment of Section 32(7)(c) of the PGA, all Candidates for the Chair of this committee must be vetted by the BCIA Nomination Committee, with specific attention to the merit-based selection principles found in Section 25(1) of the PGA; and
  • BCIA Board members are prohibited from being a member of this committee.
  1. Reporting and Communications
  • The Committee shall record minutes of its meetings and submit draft minutes to the Board within 14 days of each meeting, with the final minutes to be provided to the Board after acceptance at the next meeting of the Committee. The Chair shall ensure that no information respecting specifics of any outstanding complaint is given to the Board through the Committee minutes or otherwise;
  • An annual written report shall be provided to the Chief Executive Officer of the BCIA (“CEO”) by the Chair at least 31 days prior to the scheduled date for the BCIA AGM;
  • The Chair shall communicate Committee business to the Board; and
  • The BCIA office is responsible for the storing of records and information related to and from this Committee.
  1. Terms of Office
  • The terms of office for all Committee members shall be two years from the date of their respective appointment by the Board;
  • Whenever possible, appointments of committee members shall be staggered to ensure overlap of newly appointed and returning members; and
  • Committee members may serve a maximum of five consecutive terms for a total of ten years unless the Board grants an extension of a member’s tenure.
  1. Quorum
  • A simple majority, which must include at least one lay member, shall constitute a quorum of the Committee; and
  • Any hearing Panel appointed by the Committee to adjudicate specific citations must include one lay member and require all three appointed Panel members. to constitute quorum for that Panel.
  1. Decision Process and Panel Structure
  • The Committee shall strive to conduct its general business by consensus. If a formal motion on a specific topic is required, the Chair of the Committee shall not vote except in the event of a tie vote of the Committee members in attendance at a properly constituted meeting of the Committee;
  • With respect to the actual determination of a Citation, the Committee Chair shall appoint a 3-person Panel from the Committee members and designate one of the three persons to act as Panel Chair. In choosing 3 Committee members to comprise a specific Panel, the Chair shall canvas all Committee members to determine availability, experience relevant to the matters in issue as listed in the respective Citation and disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest. Wherever possible, each Panel shall have at least one representative from each gender and include at least one Registrant with between 5 and 15 years of experience as a PAg. In addition, each respective hearing Panel should have a least one member who has a similar level of experience and expertise as the respective Respondent(s);
  • A Panel shall, after hearing all available evidence, produce a written decision respecting the Panel’s findings, the approval of which requires a formal motion of the Panel. The majority opinion of the Panel shall be the determination of that Panel; however, a Panel member with a dissenting opinion is entitled to have that opinion included in the final written determination. All Panel members, including the Chair, shall vote on the final determination of the respective Citation; and
  • Final adjudicative decisions of any Panels appointed by the Committee shall be provided in writing to the Registrar for distribution in accordance with the Bylaws
  1. Meetings
  • The Committee will hold meetings at the call of the Chair either in person or by electronic means. The Chair shall consider the travel and weather challenges faced by Committee members when choosing dates for Committee meetings.
  1. Annual Work Plan and Budget
  • This Committee's work depends on the number of citations issued by the BCIA Investigation Committee; therefore, the costs and resources required for conducting discipline hearings can vary greatly; and
  • Consequently, differing from other BCIA Committees an annual work plan including tasks, recommended amendments or changes, resources required, timelines and requested budget will be determined by the Committee but only with respect to ongoing discipline hearings that may carry over into the subsequent fiscal year. The annual work plan (if one is required due to ongoing hearings) shall be submitted by the Chair prior to December of each year to the Board for consideration; and
  • The BCIA CEO must approve any amendments to an approved budget greater than one thousand dollars prior to expenditure; and
  • Required legal services outside of services available from the BCIA’s in-house legal counsel must be specified in the annual work plan for specific work activities or approved by the CEO or President of the BCIA prior to initiating outside legal advice requests.
  1. Staff Contact and Roles
  • At the request of the Chair to the CEO, the BCIA staff may be approved to support the Committee as required.
  1. Succession Planning
  • Within the Annual Work Plan outlined above, the Chair shall advise the BCIA Nomination Committee and the CEO about  each Committee member(s)' term expiration date.


Investigation Committee

Statutory Committee

Committee Members

Don Rugg, PAg, Chair

Brian French, PAg; Andrea Gunner, PAg; Rob Kupchanko, PAg; Jennifer Johnson, AAg; Jennifer McGuire, PAg: Barb Oke, PAg

Lay Committee Members: Kiarash Izadifar

Investigation Committee Terms of Reference
  1. Committee Establishment

The British Columbia Institute of Agrologists’ (BCIA) Investigation Committee (“Committee”) is established in accordance with Section 64 of the Professional Governance Act (SBC 2018) (“PGA”) and the BCIA Bylaws (“Bylaws”) as amended from time to time.

  1. Mandate
  • Deriving its authority from applicable sections of the PGA and the Bylaws, investigate and, where applicable, resolve complaints alleging incompetency, professional misconduct, or conduct unbecoming of a Registrant regarding BCIA Registrants that are either submitted to the Committee or derived from investigations instituted on the Committee’s initiative; and
  • Act in accordance with policy governance principles, with all operational decisions to be made by management of the BCIA.
  1. Functions and Responsibilities

In compliance with Section 32(2) of the PGA, the BCIA Board (“Board”) authorizes this Committee to:

  • Initiate complaints and/or investigations of matters that may constitute a breach of the Bylaws (including the Code of Ethics) or the PGA;
  • Objectively review all documentation, information, reports or other evidence pertaining to the respective complaint or investigation;
  • Resolve complaints using the processes of alternative dispute resolution, a Reprimand or Remedial Action by Consent agreement (“RRAC”) or a Consent Order in accordance with the PGA, the Bylaws, and the then-current rules of administrative law, including but not limited to the principles of procedural fairness;
  • Issue a citation for a hearing before the BCIA Discipline Committee to adjudicate the respective complaint in accordance with the remedies and authority outlined in the Bylaws and the PGA if, after review, the Committee determines that resolution is not possible at the investigation stage; and
  • Recommend to the Governance Committee and the BCIA Board (“Board”) amendments to the Bylaws.
  1. Terms of Reference Amendments
  • The Chair of the Committee or the BCIA Governance Committee may submit recommendations for amendments to the Board for consideration; and
  • The Board may make amendments to the Terms of Reference in consultation with the Committee.
  1. Membership
  • The Committee shall not normally exceed 10 members, consisting of at least one lay member plus up to nine BCIA Registrants in good standing. However, the Committee may require additional ad hoc members to address issues or perceptions of bias or conflict of interest or to seek expertise. Consequently, the Committee Chair may ask the Board to appoint additional members with specific qualifications.
  • Individual committee members must excuse themselves from any investigations or adjudications whenever there is a possibility that the respective committee member may be in a real or perceived conflict of interest or the committee member possesses information, bias, or beliefs that may inhibit the members’ ability to act objectively;
  • The Board, in consultation with the BCIA Nomination Committee and the existing Chair of the Committee, shall appoint the Chair and members of this Committee;
  • Upon enactment of Section 32(7)(c) of the PGA, all candidates for the Chair of this committee must be vetted by the BCIA Nomination Committee, with specific attention to the merit-based selection principles found in Section 25(1) of the PGA;
  • BCIA Board members are prohibited from being a member of this Committee; and
  • Any Registrant of the BCIA interested in serving on the Committee may contact the Nomination Committee through the BCIA office for the Board's consideration for appointment to the Committee.
  1. Reporting and Communications
  • The Committee shall record minutes of its meetings and submit draft minutes to the Board within 14 days of each meeting, with the final minutes to be provided to the Board after acceptance at the next meeting of the Committee;
  • An annual written report outlining the activities of the Committee shall be provided by the Chair to the Chief Executive Officer of the BCIA (“CEO”) at least 31 days prior to the scheduled date for the BCIA AGM;
  • The Chair will communicate Committee business to the BCIA Board; and
  • The BCIA office is responsible for the storing of records and information related to and from this Committee.
  1. Terms of Office
  • The terms of office for all Committee members shall be two years from their respective appointment date. Appointments of Committee members shall be staggered to ensure overlap of newly appointed and returning members; and
  • Committee members may serve a maximum of five consecutive terms for a total of ten years unless the Board grants an extension of a member’s tenure.
  1. Quorum
  • A simple majority, which must include at least one lay member, shall constitute a quorum of the Committee; and
  • Any Panels appointed by the Committee to investigate specific complaints must have at least one lay Panel member and require all three appointed Panel members to constitute a quorum.
  1. Decision Process
  • The Committee shall strive to conduct its general business by consensus. However, with respect to the actual investigation of a complaint, the Committee Chair shall appoint a 3-person Panel from the Committee members, one of which must be a lay committee member, and designate one of the three persons to act as the Chair. That Panel shall, after reviewing the initial complaint(s), response(s), and investigation report(s), produce a written decision respecting the Panel’s findings and remedies, the approval of which requires a formal motion of the Panel. The majority opinion of the Panel shall be the determination of that Panel; however, a Panel member with a dissenting opinion is entitled to have that opinion included in the final written determination. The Chair of the respective Panel shall not vote except in the event of a tie vote of the Panel members;
  • Final adjudicative decisions of any Panels appointed by the Committee shall be provided in writing to the BCIA Registrar for distribution in accordance with the Bylaws;
  • Any decision and decision process made by this Committee is considered distinct from a decision made by a disciplinary Panel or the Discipline Committee process.
  1. Meetings
  • The Committee will hold meetings at the call of the Chair either in person or by electronic means. The Chair shall consider the travel and weather challenges faced by Committee members when choosing dates for Committee meetings.
  1. Annual Work Plan and Budget
  • It is recognized that the work of this Committee is reactive to the number and complexity of complaints received by the BCIA or initiated by this Committee and that the costs and resources required for conducting investigations can vary greatly;
  • Consequently, differing from other BCIA Committees, an annual work plan including tasks, recommended amendments or changes, resources required, timelines and requested budget will be determined by the Committee but only with respect to ongoing investigations that may carry over into the subsequent fiscal year. The annual work plan (if one is required due to ongoing investigations) shall be submitted by the Chair prior to December of each year to the Board for consideration;
  • The CEO must approve any amendments to an approved budget greater than one thousand dollars prior to expenditure; and
  • Required legal services outside of services available from the BCIA’s in-house legal counsel must be specified in the annual work plan for specific work activities or approved by the CEO or President of BCIA prior to initiating outside legal advice requests.
  1. Staff Contact and Roles
  • At the request of the Chair to the CEO, the BCIA staff may be approved to support the Committee as required.
  1. Succession Planning
  • Within the Annual Work Plan outlined above the Chair shall advise the BCIA Nomination Committee and the CEO, of each Committee member(s) term expiration date.

Nomination Committee

Statutory Committee

Committee Members

George Geldart, PAg, Chair

CCI Branch - Martin Sills, PAg(Ret); FV Branch - Melanie Lantz, PAg; Kamloops Branch - vacant; Kootenay Boundary Branch - Sheila Street, PAg; Okanagan Branch - George Geldart, PAg; Peace River Branch - vacant; Vancouver Branch - Karey Dow, PAg; Victoria & Islands Branch - Myron Roth, PAg and Melanie Mamoser, PAg and Leslie Berkes, PAg

Lay Committee Member: Wilson Chim, Carlos Hunte

Nomination Committee Terms of Reference
  1. Committee Establishment

The British Columbia Institute of Agrologists’ (BCIA) Nomination Committee (“Committee”) is established in accordance with Section 26(1) of the Professional Governance Act (SBC 2018) (“PGA”) and the BCIA Bylaws (“Bylaws”) as amended from time to time.

  1. Mandate
  • Identify and recruit qualified BCIA Registrants to put their names forward for the BCIA Board (“Board”) during periods of succession or sudden absences; and
  • Identify and recruit qualified lay persons to put their names forward for a position on one of the BCIA standing committees.
  1. Functions and Responsibilities

In compliance with Section 32(2) of the PGA, the Board authorizes this committee to:

  • Adjudicate all nominations received for persons put forward for election or appointment to either the Board or a statutory committee in accordance with the selection principles outlined in Section 25 of the PGA;
  • Provide to the Board a list of nominees who, after adjudication, are recommended by the Committee to stand as candidates for election or appointment; and
  • Conduct an annual review of the nomination process, and make recommendations to the Board for any revisions that may be identified.
  1. Terms of Reference Amendments
  • The Chair of the Committee or the BCIA Governance Committee may submit recommendations for amendments to the Board for consideration; and
  • The Board may make amendments to the Terms of Reference in consultation with the Committee.
  1. Membership
  • The Committee shall not exceed 12 members consisting of up to three lay members and up to nine BCIA Registrant members in good standing;
  • The Board shall appoint the Chair and Members of this Committee;
  • Upon enactment of Section 32(7)(c) of the PGA, all candidates for the Chair of the Nomination Committee must be vetted by members of the Committee, with specific attention to the merit-based selection principles found in Section 25(1) of the PGA;
  • BCIA Counsellors are prohibited from being a member of this Committee.
  1. Reporting and Communications
  • The Committee shall record minutes of its meetings and submit draft minutes to the Board within 14 days of each meeting, with the final minutes to be provided to the Board after acceptance at the next meeting of the Committee;
  • An annual written report outlining the activities of the Committee shall be provided to the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) of BCIA by the Chair at least 31 days prior to the scheduled date for the BCIA AGM;
  • Upon request, provide updates to the BCIA Communications Working Group for updating Registrants on activities and issues;
  • The Chair shall communicate Committee business to the Board; and
  • The BCIA office is responsible for the storing of records and information related to and from this Committee.
  1. Terms of Office
  • Committee membership shall be for a term of two years from the date of their respective appointment by the Board;
  • Committee members may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms for a total of six years unless the Board grants an extension of a member’s tenure.
  • Appointments of members shall be staggered to ensure overlap of newly appointed and second-term members.
  1. Quorum
  • A simple majority, which must include at least one (1) lay member, shall constitute a quorum of the Committee.
  1. Decision Process
  • The Committee shall strive to conduct its general business by consensus. For any matters that require a specific decision such as recommendations to the Board for legislative or Bylaw amendments, the Chair shall call and record a vote of the Committee members; and
  • The Chair shall not vote except in the event of a tie vote of the Committee members.
  1. Meetings
  • The Committee will hold meetings at the call of the Chair either in person or by electronic means. The Chair shall consider the travel and weather challenges faced by Committee members when choosing dates for Committee meetings.
  1. Annual Work Plan and Budget
  • An annual work plan including tasks, recommended amendments or changes, resources required, timelines and requested budget will be determined by the Committee and submitted by the Chair prior to December of each year to the Board for consideration;
  • The BCIA CEO must approve any amendments to an approved budget greater than one thousand dollars prior to expenditure; and
  • Required legal services outside of services available from the BCIA’s in-house legal counsel must be specified in the annual work plan for specific work activities or approved by the CEO or President of the BCIA prior to initiating outside legal advice requests.
  1. Staff Contact and Roles
  • The Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the BCIA may participate in meetings of the Committee; and
  • At the request of the Chair to the CEO, the BCIA staff may be approved to support the Committee as required.
  1. Succession Planning
  • Within the Annual Work Plan outlined above the Chair shall advise the BCIA Nomination Committee and the CEO, of each Committee member(s) term expiration date.

Communications Working Group

CEO Working Group

Working Group Members

Serena Black, PAg, Chair

Martin Sills, PAg(Ret); Kevin Eastwood, PAg

Communications Working Group Terms of Reference
  1. Working Group Establishment

The British Columbia Institute of Agrologists’ Communications Working Group is established by the BCIA Board (“Board”) as permitted by the BCIA Bylaws (the “Bylaws”) as amended from time to time.

  1. Mandate

To the extent allowed by the Professional Governance Act (SBC 2018) Chapter 47 (the “PGA”), the mandate of this Working Group is to:

  • Increase the visibility of the BCIA to the public and with BCIA Registrants;
  • Promote the practice of agrology to potential Registrants; and
  • Act in accordance with policy governance principles, with all operational decisions to be made by management of the BCIA.
  1. Functions and Responsibilities
  • In conjunction with the BCIA Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) recommend expenditures within the approved annual budgets for the Working Group and communications activities in support of its mandate;
  • Develop qualifications for and determine the recipients of any BCIA educational scholarships authorized by the Board;
  • In conjunction with BCIA staff develop policies and guidelines respecting both internal and external communications of the BCIA;
  • Provide recommendations to management as to the type and desired reach of any traditional and social media initiatives of the BCIA;
  • Provide recommendations to management respecting the design, production, and distribution of any BCIA promotional items or activities including outreach events.
  1. Terms of Reference Amendments
  • The Chair of the Working Group or the BCIA Governance Committee may submit recommendations for amendments to the Board for consideration; and
  • The Board may make amendments to the Terms of Reference in consultation with the Working Group.
  1. Membership
  • The Working Group shall consist of at least three but no more than ten BCIA Registrants in good standing, one of which may be a Board Member; and
  • The Board in consultation with the existing Chair of the Working Group shall appoint the Chair and members of this Working Group.
  1. Reporting and Communications
  • The Working Group shall record minutes of its meetings and submit draft minutes to the Board within 14 days of each meeting, with final minutes to be provided to the Board after acceptance at the next meeting of the Working Group;
  • An annual written report shall be provided to the CEO at least 31 days prior to the scheduled date for the BCIA AGM;
  • The Chair shall communicate Working Group business to the Board; and
  • The BCIA office is responsible for storing records and information related to and from this Working Group.
  1. Terms of Office
  • The terms of office for all members of the Working Group shall be two years from the date of their respective appointment by the Board ;
  • Whenever possible, appointments of Working Group members shall be staggered to ensure overlap of newly appointed and returning members; and
  • Working Group members may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms for a total of six years unless the Board grants an extension of a member’s tenure.
  1. Quorum
  • A simple majority shall constitute a quorum of the Working Group.
  1. Decision Process
  • The Working Group shall strive to conduct its general business by consensus. For any matters that require a specific decision such as recommendations to the Board for legislative, Bylaw, or policy amendments, the Chair shall call and record a vote of the Working Group members; and
  • The Chair shall not vote except in the event of a tie vote of the Working Group members.
  1. Meetings
  • The Working Group will hold meetings at the call of the Chair a minimum of twice per calendar year, either in person or by electronic means. The Chair shall consider the travel and weather challenges faced by Working Group members when choosing dates for meetings.
  1. Annual Work Plan and Budget
  • An annual work plan including tasks, recommended amendments or changes, resources required, timelines and requested budget will be determined by the Working Group and submitted by the Chair prior to December of each year to the Board for consideration;
  • The BCIA CEO must approve any amendments to an approved budget greater than one thousand dollars prior to expenditure; and
  • Required legal services outside of services available from the BCIA’s in-house legal counsel must be specified in the annual work plan for specific work activities or approved by the CEO or President of the BCIA prior to initiating outside legal advice requests.
  1. Staff Contact and Roles
  • At the request of the Chair to the CEO, the BCIA staff may be approved to support the Working Group as required.
  1. Succession Planning
  • Within the Annual Work Plan (outlined above) the Chair shall advise the BCIA Nomination Committee and the CEO of each Working Group of each member(s) term expiration date.

Executive Working Group

CEO Working Group

Working Group Members

Rebecca Martin, PAg, Chair

Jessica Morgan, PAg, RPBio, Immediate Past Chair; Kirk Phair, PAg, Treasurer

Governance Working Group

CEO Working Group

Working Group Members

Rob Kupchanko, PAg, Chair

Yeganeh Asadian, PAg; Cory Davis, PAg; Keith Duhaime, PAg; Brian Mauza, PAg; Curtis Ruttan, AAg; Carl Withler, PAg

Governance Working Group Terms of Reference
  1. Committee Establishment

The British Columbia Institute of Agrologists’ (BCIA) Governance Committee (“Committee”) is established as allowed by Section 32(3) of the Professional Governance Act (SBC 2018) (“PGA”) and the BCIA Bylaws (“Bylaws”) as amended from time to time.

  1. Mandate
  • Guide the BCIA Board (“Board”) on matters of governance and compliance with the Act, the PGA, Bylaws, policies, and operating procedures;
  • Draft and recommend Bylaw and policy amendments for the Board’s consideration;
  • Oversee annual evaluations of the Board and the the Board member's performance; and
  • Act in accordance with policy governance principles, with all operational decisions to be made by management of the BCIA.
  1. Functions and Responsibilities
  • Review the BCIA Bylaws, policies, procedures, and Terms of Reference, and recommend changes when deemed necessary, or as requested by the Board;
  • Ensure the reviews of Bylaws and policies are undertaken in accordance with those documents;
  • Review and recommend the process for an annual evaluation of the Board prior to the annual evaluation(s); and
  • Provide regular communication and reporting of Committee business to the Chief Executive Officer of the BCIA (“CEO”) and the Board.
  1. Terms of Reference Amendments
  • The Chair of the Committee may submit recommendations for amendments to the Board for consideration; and
  • The Board may make amendments to the Terms of Reference in consultation with the Committee.
  1. Membership
  • The Committee shall consist of at least three, but no more than eight BCIA Registrants in good standing plus up to three lay members;
  • The Board, in consultation with the BCIA Nomination Committee and the existing Chair of the Committee, shall appoint the Chair and members of this Committee;
  • Upon enactment of Section 32(7)(c) of the PGA, all Candidates for the Chair of this committee must be vetted by the BCIA Nomination Committee, with specific attention to the merit-based selection principles found in Section 25(1) of the PGA; and
  • BCIA Board members are prohibited from being a member of this committee.
  1. Reporting and Communications
  • The Committee shall record minutes of its meetings and submit such draft minutes to the Board within 14 days of each meeting for information purposes only with final minutes to be provided to the Board upon acceptance at the next meeting of the Committee;
  • An annual written report outlining the activities of the Committee shall be provided to the CEO by the Chair at least 31 days prior to the scheduled date for the BCIA AGM;
  • Upon request, updates shall be provided to the BCIA Communications Working Group for updating Members on activities and issues;
  • The Chair shall communicate Committee business to the Board; and
  • The BCIA office is responsible for the storing of records and information related to and from this Committee.
  1. Terms of Office
  • The terms of office for all members of the Committee shall be two years from the date of their respective appointment by the BCIA Board;
  • Whenever possible, appointments of Committee members shall be staggered to ensure overlap of newly appointed and returning members; and
  • Committee members may serve a maximum of three consecutive terms for a total of six years unless the BCIA Board grants an extension of a member’s tenure.

8.   Quorum

  • A simple majority, which must include at least one lay member, shall constitute a quorum of the Committee.
  1. Decision Process
  • The Committee shall strive to reach decisions by consensus. For any matters that require a specific decision such as recommendations to the Board for legislative or Bylaw amendments, the Chair shall call and record a vote of the Committee members; and
  • The Chair shall not vote except in the event of a tie vote of the Committee members.
  1. Meetings
  • The Committee will hold meetings at the call of the Chair a minimum of twice per calendar year, either in person or by electronic means. The Chair shall consider the travel and weather challenges faced by Committee members when choosing dates for Committee meetings.
  1. Annual Work Plan and Budget
  • An annual work plan including tasks, recommended amendments or changes, resources required, timelines and requested budget will be determined by the Committee and submitted by the Chair prior to December of each year to the Board for consideration;
  • The BCIA CEO must approve any amendments to an approved budget greater than one thousand dollars prior to expenditure; and
  • Required legal services outside of services available from BCIA’s in-house legal counsel must be specified in the annual work plan for specific work activities or approved by the CEO or President of the BCIA prior to initiating outside legal advice requests.
  1. Staff Contact and Roles
  • The CEO may participate in meetings of the Committee; and
  • At the request of the Chair to the CEO, the BCIA staff may be approved to support the Committee as required.
  1. Succession Planning
  • Within the Annual Work Plan outlined above the Chair shall advise the BCIA Nomination Committee and the CEO, of each Committee member(s) term expiration date.
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