Kamloops-District 2
Sandman Kamloops: 225 Lorne Street Kamloops, BC V2C 1W2
Event PD type
Professional AGMS
The 2024 Kamloops Branch AGM is booked for November 13, at Sandman Kamloops: 225 Lorne Street Kamloops, BC V2C 1W2. This is a hybrid event with in-person and virtual attendance options. We encourage attendees to attend in-person for the benefit of increased networking and community building.


  • [TBA]

Note: Registration deadline for in-person attendance is midnight November 8. Registration deadline for virtual attendance is midnight November 12, 2024.

  • Download the Agenda [COMING SOON]
  • Branch Executive Report [COMING SOON]
  • Download the 2023 AGM [COMING SOON]

Nominations for Branch Executive: We are looking for nominations for Branch Executive positions. Positions up for election this year at the Branch AGM include:

  • [TBA]

Being part of the Branch Executive is a great experience! You can learn about the business of the institute, help develop professional development activities that you are passionate about, add to your resume, and grow your professional network. Additionally, being part of the branch executive can be used for professional development hours. We encourage everyone that is interested in putting their names forward.

If you would like to nominate yourself (or someone else with their permission), please forward your nomination to Andrew Neilson at prior to [TBA]. Nominations should include the position of interest and a short bio/statement.

Please note: Nominations will only be accepted from the floor for positions that did not receive nominations prior to the AGM.

For a description of each position, please see the Branch Executive Committee Responsibilities document HERE

Branch Award Nominations: Do you know an outstanding Agrologist? Every year the Branch recognizes an Agrologist who has made a significant contribution to the Branch or to BC agriculture, natural resource or environmental science. We are looking for Branch Agrologist of the Year for 2024, to be announced at the AGM. Nominations close [TBA]. Please send your nominations to Andrew Neilson, PAg at

Motions: The Kamloops Branch is canvassing in advance for any motions from the Branch members. All members must be in good standing to make a motion. Please contact Andrew Neilson, PAg at if you would like to make a motion prior to the AGM.

Articling Registrants Needing To Do Their Oral Presentation and Newly Elevated Registrants

All articling Registrants that need to complete their oral presentation at this year’s AGM, please forward your name to Ben Sampogna, PAG at by [TBA]. Your email should include a short presentation (1 slide) with a description of who you are, your area of interest/ practice, and your professional experience. You should ideally be in-person for this as the main purpose of this requirement is to introduce you to your branch, make connections and build community.

Please note: All those wishing to complete their oral presentation must pre-register with Ben (and sign up when registering).

All newly elevated Registrants (new PAgs, TAgs and LLAgs) will be recognized for their achievements.

Please note that photographs and footage will be taken throughout the event. These will be used by BCIA for marketing and publicity in our publications, on our website, newsletters, and on social media. Should you not wish to have your photo taken and used for these purposes, please advise the photographer at the time.

Cost for in-person attendance: [TBA] covers the cost of lunch.

Menu: Fresh baked rolls with butter ~Classic salad~ Caesar salad Mixed greens with house vinaigrette ~Gourmet salad~ Country potato salad Greek salad Kale and quinoa salad Marinated vegetable salad Mediterranean pasta salad Spinach salad *** ~Sides~ Seasonal vegetable medley Herb roasted potatoes Jasmine rice Mashed potatoes Wild rice medley *** ~Main Entrée~ Baked salmon Grilled chicken breast in lemon sun-dried tomato herb sauce Grilled chicken breast in wild mushroom cream sauce Ricotta stuffed ravioli Roast beef with mini Yorkshire pudding, au jus *** Sliced seasonal fresh fruit Assorted desserts and squares

Cost for virtual attendance: Free - Check the virtual box when you register to waive the in-person cost. We encourage attendees to attend in-person for the benefit of increased networking and community building.

To register for this event, please login or create an account.

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