Okanagan-District 2
Coast Capri Hotel, 1171 Harvey Avenue Kelowna, B.C., V1Y 6E8
Event PD type
Professional AGMS


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm - Lunch

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm - PD event

Expert Panel Discussion: "Fire, Water, Weeds and Everything in Between" List of speakers and Bios

A panel of 4 speakers will discuss this topic

  • Nelson Jatel, OBWB
  • Chris Zabek, Ministry of Agriculture
  • David Ensign, Agriculture and Agrifood Canada
  • Jennifer Morrison, Salish Firekeepers Society

2:30pm - 4:30 pm - AGM

4:30pm - 5pm - Networking & Wrap up


Download the:

* 2024 Okanagan AGM Package

* 2023 AGM Minutes


Available Branch Executive Committee positions:

* Professional Development Coordinator/s

* Director Central

*Vice President

For descriptions of Branch positions, please see Branch Executive Committee Responsibilities document HERE.

Being part of the Branch Executive is a great experience! You can learn about the business of the institute, help develop professional development activities that you are passionate about, add to your resume, and grow your professional network. Additionally, being part of the branch executive earns you some valuable professional development hours (5 hours)! We encourage everyone that is interested in putting their names forward.

Okanagan Branch Request for Award Nominations

The purpose and intent of the awards are multi-faceted, namely, to:

·     Recognize outstanding Agrology practice within the Okanagan Branch

·     Build community relationships

·     Increase the profile and visibility of the BCIA, thereby raising public awareness

·     Increase professional activities for members

·     Recognize and provide grant funding to youth engaging in studies leading to Agrology

Okanagan Branch Awards Categories

The awards categories are inclusive of both OK Branch members and non-members.

Cut off date for nominations is January 19, 2024

Professional Agrologist Achievement Award:

To recognise excellence and outstanding agrology practice by a Professional Agrologist within a regular area of practice. The individual has significantly contributed to the promotion and advancement of Agrology through research, innovation, contribution to the community, or agrological awareness within the province, through their community work or employment. This award is designed to recognise specific achievements (IE. Ground-breaking research, program building, etc.). This award should be nominated within 3 years of the specific achievement.

Lifetime Achievement Award:

To recognize an individual Professional Agrologist for lifetime contribution to Agrology, within and outside of employment.  The individual has shown exemplary service in the field of agrology through their career and has continually contributed positively to the community. This award focusses on a lifetime of achievements(collective contributions), and therefore should be awarded to someone who is at or nearing retirement in the field of Agrology.

Farm Family Award:

To recognize a family-oriented farm in within the Branch boundaries. This could include multi-generational family operation due to historical settlement or recently established family-run enterprises, who demonstrate innovative practices, implementation of outstanding environmental values, who are committed to good agricultural practices, service to their community and/or any other criteria that make them “exceptional”.

 Agricultural Business Award:

This an award is non-specific to the family farming operation and is inclusive in recognizing excellence in ‘Value-Added’ agri-business. This is dedicated to community businesses who have shown exemplary service in the agricultural or environmental business sector.  

Environmental Award: To recognize the individual, the business, or the government body for exemplary practice with valuable contribution to improving the health of the environment and/or being a leader in environmental sustainability.

Making an Award Nomination

To make a nomination, the BCIA Okanagan Branch member in good standing may nominate for any of the above categories. Nominees should fall within all or most of the categories listed below:

  • Operating within the field of Agrology
  • Operating full time within branch boundaries (some work may extend boundary)
  • Ethical business practices
  • Proven environmental stewardship of soil, water, air, and habitat, as well as species-at-risk awareness and management
  • Business operation is in good standing
  • Use of modern principles and innovative practices
  • Community-oriented

Criteria for Agrologist Achievement Award, Lifetime Achievement, and Environmental Award

The nominee must be a registered member in good standing of the BCIA at the time of award nomination.

·     The member must be a current Professional Agrologist or Articling Agrologist for a minimum of two years at time of nomination.

Documentation for Recognition Award

1.      Nominating Agrologist

2.      Name of nominee

3.      Award being Nominated for

4.      Mailing address / Contact information of nominee

5.      Education(If known)

6.      Reason for nomination. (Maximum 250 words)

7.      Employment (current plus past if known).

8.      Professional achievements and awards (if known).

9.      Service to the profession at branch and/or provincial level.

10.  Supporting letters (maximum 3 from professionals, industry organizations, or individuals)Letters should document contribution to agriculture, natural resource or environmental science and general status among peers and in the agricultural, natural resource and environmental communities).

Nomination Documentation Requirements for Farm Family, Agricultural Business and Environmental Awards:

1. Nominating Agrologist

2. Award being Nominated for

3. Name of Farm or Business

4. Mailing address / Contact information

5. Website

6. Reason for nomination. (Maximum 250 words)

7. Letters of support (Maximum of 3)

Please submit all nominations to Andrew Kuiper at no later than January 19th, 2024.

Articling Registrants Needing To Do Their Oral Presentation and Newly Elevated Registrants:

If you are an Articling member who needs to complete their oral presentation at this year’s AGM, (5 minutes or less) please email Catherine Hayes at, by January 31, 2024. Your email should include a short presentation (1 slide) with a description of who you are, your area of interest/ practice, and your professional experience. Please note: All those wishing to complete their oral presentation must pre-register with Catherine (and sign up when registering online).

All newly elevated Registrants (new PAgs, TAgs, and LLAgs) will be recognized for their achievements. Those required to recite their Professional Oath, please provide your name to Catherine Hayes  at, by January 31, 2024. Please note: Those required to recite their oath must pre-register with Catherine (and sign up when registering online). **If you have already recited your Professional Oath at a previous meeting this is not required again at this Branch AGM.

If you are an Articling Registrant and would like to volunteer at this AGM to fulfill one of your checklist requirements, please contact Catheryn Hayes at

Look forward to seeing you all at our AGM!

To register for this event, please login or create an account.

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