1. When is the annual registration fee renewal period?

Registration fees are paid between November 2023 (or earlier when invoices are ready) and January 15, 2024. BCIA Bylaws require that annual fee renewal payments are received no later than January 15, 2024.

Note: Effective for 2024 annual registration fee invoicing, the due date is changed from February 15th to January 15th, to be aligned with the PD filing fee deadline.  

2. What are the 2024 Annual Registration fees? Is there PST or GST added?

The Board approved the current fee structure for practicing Registrants on November 3, 2021 and for 2024 these remain the same. All fees are non-refundable. No PST or GST is applied.

  •    Practicing Registrants - PAg and TAg $600.00;  AAg and ATAg - $540.00; LLAg - $600.00
  •    Non-Practicing Registrants - On Leave, all categories $75.00; PAg(Ret) $50.00
  •    Others - Student $0.00; PAg(Ret 75+) $0.00

3. What is the Late PD Filing Fee?

The Board approved a late PD filing fee for registrants on February 3, 2021. For all future renewals this $75.00 fee will be enforced and applied if a PD Report is not finalized by January 15, 2024.  All 2023 PD activities are to be claimed plus the Practice Area(s) for 2023 must be entered to be considered a finalized PD Report.  

Those registrants with '0' PDH as of January 16, 2024 the $75.00 fee will be applied.  

  •   Practicing Registrants $75.00
  •   Non-Practicing Registrants - On Leave, all categories $75.00
  •   Students and retirees - PD Report is not required

4. Will I get an invoice?

An announcement/reminder will be sent via email with access to the invoice available in the BCIA profile at www.bcia.com > log-in > Invoices & Receipts. You will receive a "reminder" email of fees a week before the start of the renewal period and several more after that up to January 15, 2024.

5. What are my payment options?

Credit Card (VISA or MASTERCARD) or Debit/Credit (VISA DEBIT or DEBIT MASTERCARD). Log in to your BCIA profile at www.bcia.com. Go to Invoices & Receipts then click on the 2024 invoice. Scroll down to see if there are green button(s) to satisfy. Follow the instructions to complete the payment process.

Cheque. Payable to the BC Institute of Agrologists (BCIA). Include your name and registration number on the cheque if someone else is paying on your behalf. Cheques may be post-dated up to January 15th.

BCIA will not process phone-in or cheque payments until all declarations and the PD Report are complete. Ensure that your claimed annual and three-year reporting PD hours are accurate and complete, including your declared Practice Area(s).

Students and retirees are only required to complete a status declaration.

Note: at this time, we are not able to accept e-transfers.  

6. Will I receive a receipt?

Online payments generate an immediate automated email processing receipt. Official BCIA receipts are available online in the BCIA profile under 'Invoices & Receipts,' of which can be downloaded.

7. What if I did not receive an invoice?

Check your BCIA profile under 'Invoices & Receipts'. If the 2024 invoice is missing, contact the BCIA office before January 15, 2024, to ensure an invoice is generated. This will avoid a late fee.

8. What if my status has changed and I am no longer practicing agrology in BC?

If you are no longer practicing agrology, your registration status will change. Complete a change of status form found online, which includes a declaration stating that you are not working in agrology in any capacity. This form ensures your current situation is accurate in the database and are taken out of the annual PD Audit pool while on leave.

9. What are my Professional Development obligations as a BCIA Registrant?

Recorded professional development (PD) will demonstrate continuing competence. PD reporting allows registrants to record activities under the categories. The Professional Development Guidelines provide registrants with more detailed information on reporting Professional Development (PD) and the minimum of Professional Development Hours (PDH) with equivalents.  Practicing registrants (PAg/TAg & AAg/ATAg & LLAg) are required to complete and accurately report a minimum of 125 PDH over three years (ending with the current reporting year) with no less than 30 PDH annually. On-leave registrants must complete and accurately report PD hours at a minimum of 50% of the annual PDH requirement, and the reduction is only during the time on leave. On-Leave registrants must also declare their Practice Area(s) annually. If accepted mid-year, the PD hours are pro-rated; the required minimums are waived for the first year only.

10. Is there a late fee if I don't report my professional development activities on time?

As mentioned under item 3, a late PD filing fee may be applied for a PD report not received by January 15, 2024. Under the direction of the Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance, all Registrants must be compliant with entering a complete and accurate report AND meet the required annual and three-year reporting PD hour minimums. The January 15th deadline allows a two-week grace period to submit reporting year claims that occurred between January 1 and December 31 of the previous year.  

11. Can anyone else pay my annual renewal fees?

Yes, third parties such as your employer can pay on your behalf. Payment can be made by credit card or by cheque. Make sure your name and registration number are indicated in the payment for tracking purposes. Your mandatory items such as the relevant declarations, and PD report for the reporting year must be completed and claimed accurately before processing your payment.

12. Is there a late fee if I don't pay on time?

BCIA commits time and money to pursue late renewals. We do this partially as a service to registrants and ensure that anyone practicing is registered as is required currently under the Agrologists Regulation, associated with the Professional Governance Act. Accordingly, a late fee will be added if the annual registration payment is not received by January 15th. This is so that other registrants do not disproportionally bear the costs of those that are late with their payments. The late fee may be reconsidered if a circumstance occurs that is beyond your control and makes timely payment impossible, e.g. a personal medical emergency.

13. What will happen if my annual fees are not paid on time?

Your registration renewal will be considered late, and a late fee of $150.00 ($50.00 for on Leave) will be added effective January 15th. If the registration fee and late fee have not been received by March 1st, your registration will be deemed to have been forfeited, and your registration will be discontinued on March 1st. We initially assume that you did not pay your fees because you are not using the title and practicing agrology in BC. Suppose we cannot reach you with your current email contact in the database. In that case, your name will be removed from the register of active registrants and placed on the 'Former Registrants' listing for up to 10 years, as per directives relating to the Professional Governance Act.

Note: Effective for 2024 annual registration fee invoicing, the due date will be changed from February 15th to January 15th, to be aligned with the PD filing fee deadline.

14. Can I pay my annual fees in installments?

If you would like to request an installment plan, contact Kara Hamilton, Finance and Administrative Officer at finance@bcia.com. The total amount of your annual fee is still due by January 15, but you may request arrangements to make multiple payments over the invoicing period from November to January 15. This will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, and the registrant will pay a $25.00 administration fee for this service.

15. What if I just let my registration lapse? Can I renew some other time?

If you are practicing Agrology and wish to use the professional designation, you must remain registered; otherwise, you are practicing illegally and may be subject to legal action. If you allow your registration to lapse and no notice is given to the BCIA office indicating your intentions with registration, your name will be removed from the Register and a letter will be sent with instructions on how to reinstate the registration with appropriate timelines and associated penalties.

16. What do I need to do to become reinstated?

The reinstatement process includes an application via a request form, payment of annual fees for the year that you left BCIA, including a late penalty and a reinstatement fee. If applicable, the annual fees for the returning year will be also added to the total fees. One may reinstate within three years from the date of leaving.

17. How does BCIA protect online renewal information, including credit cards?

BCIA uses a secure, well-known platform to accept and process online payments. The third-party company provides payment, risk management, and authentication solutions to BCIA and some of North America's leading companies and institutions. Financial data transmitted through the payment site is encrypted through an SSL certification process that keeps your credit card and payment information secure.

18. What are the fees for?

Agrology is a regulated profession in BC and all other Canadian provinces. BCIA is the organization that regulates the profession in BC. Professional self-regulation replaces direct governmental regulation and is overseen by the Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance, under the Ministry of the Attorney General. The cost of regulation is paid by the Registrants of the profession, not by public taxation (the Canada Revenue Agency does recognize your professional fees, read below).

Registration fees are paid to the BC Institute of Agrologists to support meeting requirements of the Professional Governance Act.

19. Are my fees tax deductible?

The Canada Revenue Agency recognizes professional registration fees required to keep a professional status recognized by law that you paid or for you as tax-deductible if related to the work you do (for complete details, consult the Canada Revenue Agency website: www.cra-arc.gc.ca).

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