Call for 2023 Mentor of the Year Nominations

The Mentor of the Year award may be presented to an active Professional Agrologist (PAg) or Technical Agrologist (TAg) who epitomizes the values and leadership of a mentor engaged in the BCIA Articling Program. Articling registrants and newly minted PAgs and TAgs! Please consider nominating a mentor for the Mentor of the Year award before the deadline of March 1, 2024,11:59 PM PST at

Additional information about BCIA recognitions and awards is available here.

Call for 2023 Agrologist of the Year Nominations

Do you know an outstanding Agrologist? The Agrologist of the Year award is to recognize and pay tribute to an agrologist who has made a significant contribution to British Columbia’s agriculture, natural resource, and environmental science sectors. If you know of an agrology professional who deserves recognition for their achievements in agrology, please nominate them for 2023’s Agrologist of the Year award! Please consider submitting a nomination for the Agrologist of the Year award before the deadline of March 1, 2024,11:59 PM PST at

Additional information about BCIA recognitions and awards is available here.

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