Online, ongoing course. 30 hours of asynchronous learning.
Event PD type
Agrology CE – Informal

This microcredential will equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to support agricultural professionals in adopting economically sustainable practices that also reduce their carbon footprint.

Informed by the latest research and best practices, participants will select agrologist-led practices and technologies that are not only economically sustainable but also environmentally conscious. These transformative strategies will enable agrologists to guide their clients and stakeholders towards a greener, more resilient, and economically viable agricultural future.  

What will I learn?

By the end of this training, participants will select comprehensive agrologist-led practices and technologies that support the three priorities of climate-smart agriculture:

  • Sustainably increase agricultural productivity and incomes.
  • Adapt and build resilience of people and food systems to climate change.
  • Reduce and/or remove GHG emissions, where possible.

Successful completion of the microcredential will require participants to:

  • Evaluate relevant climate-smart agriculture practices and technologies in the context of a farming operation.
  • Justify choice of agrologist-led practices and technologies to improve operations’ adaptive resilience and lower carbon footprint.
  • Apply principles of economic analysis (i.e. cost-benefit analysis) to support the selection and adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices and technologies.
  • Propose a farm-specific climate-smart plan for chosen practices and technologies.

Course Details

  • COURSE COST: $300 + HST

The PEI Federation of Agriculture (PEIFA) will provide a bursary to PEI Agronomists to participate in this course, available upon completion and the presentation of the microcredential digital badge of completion to the PEIFA. This bursary will allow agronomists to gain training and skills that will support producers in adopting beneficial management practices that reduce GHG emissions and sequester carbon. This course and bursary are funded as a part of the On-Farm Climate Action Fund Program.

The PEIFA would like to acknowledge the support of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, who have provided this funding through the Agriculture Climate Solutions program.

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