On Monday, November 7, 2022, at noon, representatives of Notarius will be presenting a one hour webinar on digital signatures and the offerings available to BCIA Registrants.
As of September 1st 2022, certain types of professional work is reserved to licensed Registrants of the BCIA. Also, cloud adoption and digital transformation are rapidly changing the way we work, and this transformation has been accelerated by COVID-19 and working from home. However, there are legal requirements when it comes to providing or retaining original documents in electronic format under the Electronic Transactions Act of British Columbia.
In this presentation, you will be introduced to those legal requirements, the different e-signature solutions available on the market, and the varying levels of reliability of each. Finally, we will present the BCIA professional digital signature for licensed Agrologists of BCIA. When used, this digital signature ensures that the professional work was done under the supervision of a licensed agrologist and protects the data integrity of the electronic document of Agrologists. The presentation will present BCIA’s guidelines and best practices for electronic document authentication of professional work and include a short demo of the solution proposed to registered professionals and a limited-time rebate for attendees in the sign-up fee for the subscription service and a PD certificate indicating completion of this session.
CLICK HERE to register. View information about the Professional Stamp/Seal use plus details egarding Notarius and the subscription service available to Registrants. (Note: Registrants must sign in to view information on Registrant Resources)