Registrants in good standing, with the exception of student members and honorary agrologists, shall be eligible to vote at elections or on motions at an AGM and to hold office in the institute.

In addition to the requirements of the Professional Governance Act and BCIA Bylaws, registrants shall be subject to the Professional Development (PD) Guidelines and Policies set by the Audit and Practice Review Committee, and approved by BCIA Board.

Professional Agrologist (PAg) or Technical Agrologist (TAg) Status

Professional Agrologists and Technical Agrologists have full rights and privileges as registrants, including the use of a seal and the title “Professional Agrologist” or “Technical Agrologist” and the respective designations “PAg” or “TAg”. Professional development hours must be reported annually: the required minimum is 30 PD hours per year, with an accumulation of 125 PD hours over a three-year reporting period (ending with the reporting year).

Articling Agrologist (AAg) or Articling Technical Agrologists (ATAg) Status

Articling Agrologists and Articling Technical Agrologists have full rights and privileges as Registrants without the use of a seal but are authorized to use the titles “Articling Agrologist” or “Articling Technical Agrologist” and the respective designations of “AAg” or “ATAg”. Articling registrants must attend professional development activities specified by BCIA during their articling terms.

Professional development hours must be reported annually: the required minimum is 30 PD hours per year, with an accumulation of 125 PD hours over a three year reporting period (ending with the reporting year). If a change in status is requested, the articling term is put on hold. While on-leave, the articling registrant is welcome to attend all professional development activities as included in the Articling Program and should continue to engage with their mentor.

Retired Status

Retired status is for those that have left work and are no longer providing any agrology services or advice upon which a person may act, but wish to stay active and engaged in BCIA. Retirees can provide information on an educational basis but cannot offer specific advice about any specific situation or question.

Retired agrologists have the right to vote and hold office, to receive information circulated, to attend BCIA events and have the opportunity to use the title “Professional Agrologist (Retired)” and the designation “PAg (Ret)”.

Retired registrants must complete a status declaration annually upon renewal of registration. Annual professional development reporting is NOT required. One may return to practicing status at any time by paying the associated (pro rated) annual fee for the year, with submission of the Return to Practicing Status Form.

Non-Practicing Status - -> On-leave including but not limited to Parental Leave, Educational Leave, Medical Leave

Non-practicing registrants continue to receive information circulated and may attend BCIA events but CANNOT practice agrology or use their seal (if applicable), nor use their professional title or designation. A minimum of 15 PD hours annually is required during their time on leave plus declaring Practice Area(s).

One may remain on leave for up to three (3) consecutive years and can return at any time by paying the associated (pro rated) annual fee for the year, with submission of the Return to Practicing Status Form.

Student Member

Student members have the right to receive information circulated and to attend BCIA events. Students do NOT have the right to use a seal, any title or designation.

Resignation in Good Standing

A registrant who has resigned in good standing has three years (3) years from the resignation date to reinstate, upon payment of the fees for the year returning plus a reinstatement fee.


The Professional Governance Act mandates that former Registrants will be listed on Former BCIA Registrants for ten (10) years.


On Leave: Available to registrants who are no longer practicing agrology in either a paid or volunteer capacity. On leave is granted for a maximum of three (3) years, after which the registrant must either return to practicing status or resign their registration. On Leave, including but not limited to parental leave, education leave, or medical leave, is granted, and the registrant will not practice agrology nor use their respective designation while on leave. Refer to the Parental Leave and Medical Leave Policy, if applicable.

  • If an articling registrant is requesting an on leave status, the assigned articling term is placed on hold until such time the registrant returns to practicing status. The term is then extended to ensure the necessary accumulated time is achieved to advance to full professional status when the Articling Program is completed.

Retired: Available to a registrant who is no longer practicing agrology in either a paid or volunteer capacity and does not expect to do so in the future.


One may reinstate within three (3) years of the resignation date upon payment of the (pro-rated) annual registration fee plus a reinstatement fee for the year returning. No refunds or credits are given on fees already paid.  


Registrants have a maximum of three (3) years to remain on leave. There are two circumstances in which a registrant may want to return to practicing status:

From on-leave to practicing status

From retired status to practicing status


Reinstatement can only be requested within three (3) years after the date of leaving BCIA, with a reinstatement fee applied. If reinstatement is not requested within three years of the date of leaving BCIA, you must re-apply for BCIA and meet all of the application requirements.

Reinstatement as a practicing registrant in good standing must be completed before requesting any potential on-leave status.


Agrologists who are transferring out or requesting dual registration with another provincial agrology regulator in Canada must complete an online request form. The form authorizes BCIA to access records and forward relevant information to the new province's agrology regulator. There is no fee for the request; however, the other provincial agrology regulator may apply a processing fee and registration fee, if applicable.

The new provincial regulator may place restrictions on the practice of a new registrant if required based on its own governing legislation and bylaws.

Short-Term Work in Alberta

If the transfer is out is related to a dual registration request regarding a short-term opportunity in Alberta, please read the information regarding the Alberta Institute of Agrologists' (AIA) Visiting Register category.

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