Vancouver-District 3
In Person
Event PD type
Professional AGMS

Vancouver Branch AGM

The British Columbia Institute of Agrologists Vancouver Branch will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Monday, February 8, 2023.  We would like to extend an invitation to all of our members and guests to attend this meeting.

Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Time: 5:30-9:30 PM

Location: Creekside Community Centre, 1 Athletes Way, Vancouver. MAP

Parking and Transit: There is pay parking on the street and at Science World

Register by January 31st for the keynote speaker, food (hot and cold appetizers catered by Savoury Chef), and AGM:

  • $15 Registrants
  • $10 student members
  • $40 non-members

Registration for AGM only (entrance at 7:00): no charge

Please register online. No registration fees will be collected at the venue. If bringing a guest, please enter their full name to register.

AGM Documents to follow shortly:

Draft Schedule:

5:30-6:00 PM- Registration, Networking, Refreshments and Appetizers

5:55 PM - Welcoming Remarks

6:00-6:45 PM- Keynote Speaker: Sean Smukler - Making good on the promises of regenerative agriculture

6:45 - 7:00 PM- Break/Prize Draw

7:00 - 9:00 PM - Vancouver Branch AGM (See Vancouver Branch AGM Draft Agenda)

Keynote Speaker: Sean Smukler is the current Associate Professor, Applied Biology & Soil Science and Director of the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm Chair, Agriculture and the Environment, Director of the Centre for Sustainable Food Systems at UBC Farm.

Branch Executive Elections:

An election for the Branch Executive positions will be held at the meeting. If you have been a Registrant in good standing and are interested in serving on the Executive, please forward your name and position of interest by email to: and indicate your position of interest or alternatively you can put your name forward during the AGM.

Participating in the Branch executive provides an excellent opportunity to engage with the BCIA community and learn how the institute operates. Volunteering on the Executive requires a minimum time commitment of approximately one hour per month. In exchange, volunteers receive PD credits and invaluable connections to Agrologists throughout our Branch and the Province.

The positions currently available:

  • President-Elect - Available
  • Treasurer - Available
  • Secretary - Available
  • PD Coordinator - Available
  • Director - Available

For descriptions of each position, please see the Branch Executive Responsibilities document (log-in > under files). If you have any questions about volunteering on the Branch Executive, please ask!

  • President - Not Available
  • Articling Coordinator - Not Available
  • Councillor - Not Available

The Vancouver Branch is canvassing in advance for any motions from membership

All branch members must be in good standing to make a motion. Please get in touch with Deb Bryant at if you would like to make a motion prior to the AGM. Motions will not be accepted from the floor.

Articling Registrants needing to do their Oral Presentation and Newly Elevated Registrants

All articling registrants that need to complete their oral presentation at this year’s AGM, please forward your name to Graham Watson at

Please note: All those wishing to complete their oral presentation must pre-register with Graham by January 31, 2023 (and sign up when registering online).  

All newly elevated registrants (new PAgs and TAgs) will be recognized for their achievements. Those required to recite their Professional Oath, please provide your name to Graham Watson at

Those required to recite their oath must pre-register with Graham by January 31, 2023 (and sign up when registering online).

**If you have already recited your Professional Oath at a previous meeting, this is not required again at this Branch AGM.

Registration is restricted to registrants only, please login.

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